How to Create a High-Converting Careers Page

Careers Page

With the plethora of job opportunities available today, gaining the attention of job seekers and convincing them to be a part of your company is not easy. Having an optimized careers page can help attract the right candidates and boost the chances of them applying for the job. Here we will share some tips and best practices on how to create a high-converting careers page and improve your overall hiring game.

A strong careers page can act as a central location for job postings, applications, and other important information, making it easier for hiring managers to handle job listings and applications. Clearly laid out information makes it much easier for candidates to assess on their own if the job is the right fit for them. This alone can create a positive impression of the company among the candidates.

Now that we know that a careers page can help you attract more qualified candidates, streamline the application process, and create a positive impression of the company, letโ€™s see how you can go about creating a high-converting careers page for your company.

1. Provide Detailed Job Descriptions

Detailed descriptions give potential candidates an understanding of the role, responsibilities, and qualifications needed for the position. Incomplete or sloppy descriptions could, on the other hand, reduce candidate quality, increase recruitment costs, damage employer branding, and lead to high turnover rates. You can optimize your job descriptions by using a clear job title and a detailed job summary outlining the qualifications and skills required. Make sure to highlight the benefits of the position and be honest about expectations.

2. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

According to a recent Glassdoor study, 58% of the platform users search for jobs on their mobile phones. The new generation of job seekers almost always check openings on their phone. Given these facts, it is important to optimize your career website for mobile devices so that users do not experience any friction while using it. A mobile-friendly website also ensures that your careers page is easy to navigate and has concise content. This can help ease the application process for candidates. Clear call-to-action buttons, functions such as click-to-call, faster loading speeds, and intuitive features are all essential elements of a mobile optimized website.

3. Highlight Company Culture

Showcasing your company culture through your careers page can help attract candidates who are more likely to thrive in your workplace. Highlighting a positive and employee-friendly work culture on your careers page can boost your brand as an employer, help attract top talent and position your company as a desirable place to work. Having detailed Meet the Team and About Us pages, using designs that resonate with your users, and sharing pictures from company events, can all be used to display your work culture through your website.

4. Include Employee Testimonials and Stories

Employee testimonials and stories can help candidates develop a personal connection with your company. These can provide a glimpse into what it’s really like to work at your company. Positive comments from current employees can help elevate your company’s reputation as a desirable place to work. Ask your team to share their most authentic experiences of company culture and personal and professional growth in their testimonials. Credibility factor is high for video testimonials, so include a few of those too, if possible.

5. Optimize Your Website

Optimizing your careers page for search engines can help it top search results when job seekers search for relevant phrases. So how can you do this? Research the high-volume terms for the jobs using tools such as Google Keyword Planner and integrate them in the meta title, description, and URL. Job location is another keyword that should appear in the meta title. Other SEO techniques include building backlinks from relevant websites, internal linking to direct traffic from other pages on your website, and having around 1500 words on your page.

6. Have a User-Friendly Design and Layout

The design and layout of your careers page should make it easy for candidates to find the information they are looking for and apply for the job. Include high-quality images and videos but keep an eye on page performance too. A visually appealing and user-friendly design can help improve the overall user experience of the page and lead to higher engagement rates.


A high-converting careers page can have a significant impact on your hiring process. Keep these tips in mind while creating your careers page to develop a strong talent pipeline and support the growth and success of your company.