The Role of Psychometric Assessments in Lateral Hiring

Lateral Hiring

Evaluating an experienced candidate goes far beyond scanning their work history or assessing their technical skills. It’s crucial to gain insights into their personality traits, values, motivations, and working style. Psychometric assessments enable you to peek into the unseen aspects of a candidate’s professional profile, helping you make more informed decisions. These assessments contribute to a more standardized and efficient evaluation process, ultimately helping you select the best-fit lateral candidates.

Types of Psychometric Assessments Used in Lateral Hiring

Let’s explore the various types of psychometric assessments used in lateral hiring and how they contribute to making informed decisions.

Cognitive Ability Tests 

Cognitive ability tests evaluate a candidate’s intellectual capabilities, including their problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. These tests measure the candidate’s ability to handle complex tasks and adapt to new challenges.

Personality Assessments

Personality assessments assess a candidate’s personality traits, characteristics, and behavioral tendencies. These assessments provide insight into a candidate’s work style, communication style, and compatibility with the organization’s culture and existing team members. 

Emotional Intelligence Assessments

Emotional intelligence assessments measure a candidate’s ability to understand and manage their own emotions as well as their capacity to recognize and respond to the emotions of others. They evaluate a candidate’s empathy, self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and leadership potential.

Situational Judgment Tests

Situational judgment tests present candidates with hypothetical scenarios or workplace situations and ask them to choose the most appropriate course of action. These tests assess a candidate’s decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, and ability to handle real-world situations.

There are many well-known psychometric assessments that organizations use to understand candidates’ psychological traits. They have their potential and pitfalls. To get a complete picture of the candidates, it’s best to include psychometric assessments as part of a thorough evaluation process that involves other methods like interviews and reference checks.

Benefits of Using Psychometric Assessments in Lateral Hiring

The use of psychometric assessments in lateral hiring brings numerous benefits to the selection process. Here are some key advantages:

Gain Deeper Insight into Candidates

Psychometric assessments provide a comprehensive understanding of candidates beyond what can be gleaned from resumes and interviews. By evaluating cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional intelligence, and other relevant factors, these assessments offer a holistic view of a candidate’s potential fit for a senior or leadership position.

Determine the Culture fit of Candidates

Cultural fit is a crucial factor in lateral recruitment. Psychometric assessments, such as personality assessments, help assess a candidate’s compatibility with the organization’s values, work environment, and team dynamics. This insight enables employers to identify candidates who will not only excel in the role but also integrate well into the existing organizational culture.

Enhance Objectivity and Reduce Bias

Psychometric assessments provide an objective and standardized evaluation process, minimizing biases that can influence hiring decisions. By relying on data-driven insights, employers can ensure a fair and equitable selection process that is based on merit rather than gut feeling.


Psychometric assessments enhance lateral recruitment by providing objective insights into candidates’ capability to excel in the role they are hired for. They contribute to informed decision-making, reduce bias, and streamline the evaluation process. Ultimately, these assessments improve candidate selection for lateral positions, ensuring a better match for the organization.